In Labor and Delivery they found that fetal heart tones were being assessed with plastic or metal horns held to the woman’s belly(19th century process). Patients were required to bring their own supplies for deliveries. Many of the principals of neonatal resuscitation were unknown and would improve the outcome and survivability of newborn infants. 1200 infants are delivered yearly at Dorohoi Hospital. In ER, the IV supplies were primitive even when compared to other areas of the country. Bare needle catheters and rubber tubing were the standard when available. Antiseptics were scarce. Radiology had no film for the new ultrasound machine, so diagnostics were decided while the patient was on the bed and without visual records retained. They had no funds for ultrasound gel and had one week’s supply left. X-rays were developed by hand and dried outside for viewing. IMPROVEMENTS NOTED THIS YEAR: |